This photo was taken in August / September 2018 capturing the before and after effect. What you see on the left side of the photo is an inflammed skin commonly known as eczema. Eczema skin conditions comes in a variety of forms, the degree of the skin redness and can appear in any part of our bodies. This is one of them. This person is a 21 year old male, Malaysian (we shall refer to him as Active A) who has been dealing with eczema skin issues since he was a few months old. The eczema also occured on his left arm and leg shin area.
His skin was very itchy which caused him sleepless nights. It became painful at one point due to his failed attempt to refrain from scratching the area.
I gave Active A a concoction of oil that absorbs easily into the skin. He applied it in a generous amount in the morning and late evening after shower. What I mean by generous amount is to apply first layer of the oils, let it absorb and then apply another layer. For him, he applied about 3 layers for the first few days. As his skin was getting better, he reduced it to 2 layers and subsequently just a layer of application. Regular application of oils or lotions will help our skin retain hydration better in the long run. For Active A, his skin was given regular hydration hence as time passes by, his skin could retain its own hydration better and there was lesser need in layering the application.
What is this concoction of oils that he applied? It is a combination of squalane which is derived from olive tree, green tea extract which is very rich in antioxidants, calendula and jojoba oil. This concoction is named as Skin Elixir. I will talk more about it in my subsequents blog.
Managing eczema skin conditions can be tricky as you will need to find out what type of skin do you normally have and how severe the eczema condition is. You will also need to review your diet. High sugar and carbohydrate are some of the culprits in eczema flaring up. You can change the quality of your life by just reviewing your diet and the type of skin care that you use on yourself. Have a look at the labels of the products that you have now in your home. Are they mostly synthetic based or natural based? If most of them are synthetic based, you may want to consider trying natural base products.
I hope this blog has been helpful. Thank you for your reading my article.